Out of the ICU

Today I was moved out of the ICU to the normal ward. Finally I don't have all these stupid cables attached to me. 

In the morning the nurse in the ICU washed me and put a baby cream on me. She also talked with me in a nice way saying I need to be good to myself and I need to find someone who I can talk with, not necessarily from family. She gave me nice breakfast. 

Later, she and a girl from physiotherapy tried to make me first sit and then stand up. Sitting went ok. Standing up didn't work. I was so dizzy I didn't manage to stand. In the afternoon a doctor came to remove the pipes from my neck. That was really painful as they were stapled to my neck with some piece of metal. I screamed quite loud. My mom was really scared and angry they didn't give me a local anaesthesia to remove it. Apparently they thought it shouldn't hurt. I must say I was also scared, since the lady was cutting something on my neck. So it was not only painful but also scary.

In my room in the normal ward, I managed to stand up with the help of the walking thing for old people. I managed to go to the toilet. I was very proud to pee and poop for the first time on my own since 5 days 🙃 
