Going crazy



All these tubes and mesuring machines are driving me crazy. Especially the pressure meter and the oxygen saturation thing which I have to hold on my finger. With increased consciousness everything drives me insane. I feel that I stink. I am worried I might get a period and I don't even have underpants on and still this catherer sticking out from between my legs. In the night I went a bit mad and started crying and moaning asking for more pain meds and for them to let me out of there. The nice male nurse had a hard time with me. Also the ekg monitor statrted coming off of my chest. He had to check it and doing so sticked his arm into my night gown and accidentally hit me in my teeth with his elbow. It didn't hurt much but was a hillarious situation. Later I told him I'm not sure if I didn't get my period. He said ok, i will check. He shone a light on my crotch and said I don't see anything. I have no shame left. My body is a medical object. I started thinking I need to find a way to get out of here.
