Depression slowly lifting

Today I tried to reduce my pain medication. I thought I didn't have so much pain anymore. Turns out I didn't, because the pain med was working very well. I reduced the dose of tilidine from 100mg to 50mg twice a day, and tried to stay off it for as long as possible. At hour 13 the pain was quite strong again and I had to take another dose. I took one today at 2:0AM in the night and at 3:00PM.

In the morning I had some mild nausea, for which I took 25mg of dimenhydrinate. Later, I developed what I think was a migraine. The 3:00PM dose of Tilidine didn't work on it. Around 4:30PM, since I am not allowed to comibine sumatriptan and tilidne, I decided to take 600mg ibuprofen and work on the pain by masaging my neck and letting go of the emotions stuck behind the tension. Turns out once I released stuck anger, despair and grief, the pain lifted (or also ibuprofen started working), together with the depression I have been battling since the operation. I went downstairs feeling more confident in my stride and ate a pizza, later came back upstairs and started painting.
