17. December 2022

In the morning I feel my hearing in the affected ear seems to feel like it's slowly returning to the state after the surgery. I felt less noise sensitive and was able to sit downstairs in the normal headphones and talk with my parents. In the evening (6pm) my ear started hurting with stabbing paun and pulsating again. The tinnitus and weird sounds are there but it's not very loud or bothering today. 

I start having feeling in the back of my head. After tilidin there is not much pain. My pain was good - I took tilidin 50mg at 12PM and aspirin 250mg for ear pain at 7pm. I feel my stomach is maybe a bit irrritated. i didn't take the stomach pill today. I did have a good big poop. 

 I am still sweating a lot and feel I might have slight fever still. 

 My anxiety and depression is a bit lower. 

I managed to walk more upstairs and downstairs. I played with Kiciunia what provided some movement and exercise. I felt quite dizzy however (6/10) and felt nauseous shortly after and had to lie down. 

 I feel my eye is moisturized well when I use the bausch and lomb gel. 

 I did some face massage for the eyebrow, cheek, around the eye, jaw and upper lip. I can feel no pain on the cheek, only some pain left on the brow, on the side of the eye and on the jaw (the most there).
